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About Me

I am currently a 50 year old male that like so many has depression, but one thing I have been able to do is understand what is going on in my head so I can deal with situations and live life like a normal person.

Although, I mean what is a 'normal person'?  No one is perfect we all have issues, it is just that some have them and they are absolutely debilitating day in day out. 


I was brought up to stick to one job and one relationship for the rest of my life and make it work no matter what because you know what you are dealing with....the analogy I was given was, no point getting rid of your car just because it has a fault, if you get another it might be worse, so just fix this one and keep it on the road....better the devil you know!!


I tried this but my gut/ego/monkey/intuition or whatever you want to call it was constantly telling me different. This is turns out was a very good thing, but sometimes, its voice was muted by something much stronger!


When I was 30 I had come to the end of working in sales, I wanted a different life, which meant getting an education and a new girlfriend.


I think I found school boring, at least most of it was but now I realise it was because I had a smidgen of dyslexia a bit of ADHD and pinch of alcoholism. But only now have I figured that out!  The dyslexia was an easy one to figure out and solve by using memory mapping to remember how to spell words by rehearsing how to say them and picture the words. With ADHD, I struggle to concentrate on somethings, like doing this website, working for other people on their marketing and sometimes learning. So I break it up into chunks and do a bit of different things over the day so I am not stuck on one thing. Regards the alcohol, I used to be able to get through the cat flap and drink his beer. I thought I was much older but when I went back to look at the size of the cat flap he had made I must of been 6 or I guess at school I was sometimes over tired and hung over, but I didn't realise that back then!


However I have found, that when it comes to friends discussing their issues and asking for my help, I am an excellent listener and remember a lot of what is said. I wish my memory was this good in lectures!


At this point I am not too sure how interesting or detailed this should be so for now I will leave it here and maybe add bits in the blog instead.


To summarize though, I have a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, diet and plant medicine. I am doing an online MSc in psychology, followed by a CBT course, all being well of course, life has a funny way of changing your expectations. 



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