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How it works

In short; you talk, I is that simple!


The long answer. Get in touch via the form initially to book a one off chat. After that you will have my number and can simply message me to ask if I am free to talk. I will always do my best to fit in with you but of course I could already be booked up in one way or another.


If you ask for my advice I will give it as best as I can but I am more likely to try and find out what it is that you want to do and discuss that. 

I will ask questions so I can get a better understanding of what is going on. I will more than likely be 'the devils advocate' asking you to look at a situation a different way to open up your understanding of alternative realities/situations.


Ultimately it is about you getting what is troubling you out into the open. Even if you talk to your pet it is a start. Keeping angst inside to fester will grow stronger and eat you from the inside. 



What I am not....

I am not a qualified psychoanalyst, councilor or therapist. I can not recommend or prescribe any drugs of any sort. Nor will I analyse you and tell you what you are suffering from. I might tell you though to go and seek the help of a therapist. 


What I am.....

A guy like so many that has been through mental 'stuff' and come out the other end much stronger.  Regards qualifications I am in the early stages of completing a Masters in Psychology. 


To find out more about me click here

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