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Mind Tools

Because of what my mind has put me through I have tried quite a few things to try and improve how I feel about myself, what I think about myself and how I control myself. What works for one person does not mean it will work for everyone. Sometimes you need to be pushed into it and other times your gut will guide you.


My gut said don't go on anti-depressants, so I looked at all the alternatives. Being very aware of what was happening and having the ability to think rationally/question myself about it helped a great deal.


Where possible I will find a more scientific example for you, so you know how and why it works. What I have written next to the video is my opinion only and the reason why I think it worked for me. I am naturally very skeptical but it doesn't mean I only believe it if science says it works. For example many years ago a scientist might of called mindfulness a  woowoo science, but then they actually tested it and found it works..... 



This video shows you how it works. There are many people that can teach you on YouTube including some therapists. Personally, in my opinion, it does work, but what I found that you don't have to use a certain part of the hand or that tapping only works when you tap on a part of your body for a particular anxiety or whatever.


I just repeatedly tapped on my leg saying the same mantra over and over again and it worked. 


The important part is getting the wording right. Be positive but not unrealistic. 


For example for a job interview you could tap on your leg and repeat,  'I am not nervous, I will be calm and answer questions thoughtfully'.  ' They are friendly and keen for me to do well'. 

Positive Affirmations
These link nicely with tapping. There are loads of videos and books on it for you to choose from. I have chosen this one just because it starts straight away with no self advertising. It starts off with some nice affirmations for you to think about.
Now, just to put a spanner in the works here, some people think this is all you have to do and the universe will make it happen. Of course what is happening is you are changing your way of being and you are focusing all be it subconsciously on some of these things. If you are normally looking angry and think people dislike you, then you change your face to a smile and look approachable more people will say hello and be more engaging with you and this can happen from just meditation/tapping/positive affirmations.
This works really well. I use the Headspace app although it is used mostly now for getting me to sleep.
It does take quite a bit of practice and your focus will wonder but that's normal. If you get really good at it your mind will be in a new better place. I used it with the sales team when I saw they were getting stressed. It was like defusing a bomb and they really appreciated it.  
Mindfulness and meditation are very similar, but this is the difference I pulled from as it seems to be clear enough. 
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that urges practitioners to remain aware and present in the moment. Rather than dwelling on the past or dreading the future, mindfulness encourages awareness of a person's existing surroundings.
Again it takes a great deal of practice but the effort is worth it. Do it when you get it if you can to set your brain ready for a positive day.
Russell Brand
This is an odd one I know but I discovered the new RB after my experience when I became spiritual again. I really enjoyed his show, 'Under the skin', where he talks to some inspirational people which also give some amazing advice.
The series will no doubt give you some people you have never heard of you relate to. You can then buy their book etc.
Russell is also funny and an excellent interviewer. He is not for everyone so if it doesn't work for you, try Tony Robbins or someone. 
This isn't something that will directly help, this is what you are, a conscious being. It exists but it can't be seen or measured. 
Brené Brown
Two videos here.
The first is an introduction to what she wrote about, the second is the actual Ted Talk where she talks about vulnerability. 
For me this was a bit of a game changer understanding this. You might find it useful as well, I recommend that you at least watch the video.  
Dr. Brené Brown is a researcher professor at the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work.
She has spent the past ten years studying a concept that she calls Wholeheartedness, posing the questions:
  • How do we engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness? 
  • How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to embrace our imperfections and to recognize that we are enough -- that we are worthy of love, belonging and joy.

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